The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Cast: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone
Genre: Action/Adventure
Certificate Rating: 12
My Rating: 4/5
"Mother Hugger"
Meet Peter Parker and the history behind the making of how he became Spiderman. Trying to find out why his parents left him to live his life with his Aunt and Uncle, Peter finds a clue that puts not only himself but the people he is surrounded by in danger. On this collision course he meets Gwen Stacey and Dr. Curt Collins, his father's former partner who has a few experiment up his sleeve.
This is a different take on the Spider-Man novel and from the Tobey Maguire films. Although I can't really remember the Sam Raimi films I shall have to re-watch them and review them. However I must agree Andrew Garfield plays a hotter and cuter Peter Parker. Anyone agree? I found that the character of Peter Parker was a lot wittier and funny in this movie. Especially the scene after he has been bitten and he's on his computer and he is changing. That scene just cracked me up. I mean other funny scenes would be like when Spider-Man and The Lizard are fighting in the library and the old man is just walking through. Plus it is more scientific, but fun at the same time and the Point of View shots are wonderful, it makes you feel like you on a ride at a theme park. And of course he got the eggs for his Aunt which made me laugh after all he had been through!The Amazing Spider-Man is a brilliant film!
Feel free to comment on this amazing film in the comment section below :)
Enjoy x
IMDb: The Amazing Spider-Man
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