Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Release Date: 2013
Publishers: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd.
Format: Paperback and Ebook (Kindle)
Pages: 433
My Rating: 5/5

Love Hard. Fight Harder.

There are two sides to every story.
Set in the same time-frame as Beautiful Disaster, now we hear the story from Travis' point of view. Travis lost his mother at a very young age, but before she died she taught him two important rules...Love Hard. Fight Harder. Growing up in a family of men who like to gamble and fight, Travis Maddox is a tough guy. Known for his bad reputations with women, and feared for his incredible fighting skills, all the boys want to be him, while the girls simply want him...

Abby Abernathy is the first girl to treat him they way he feels he should be treated, with dislike and disinterest. It is her lack of interest that sparks his determination to win her round.

Will the invincible Travis 'Mad Dog' Maddox be defeated by a girl?

I finished this book last night, I'm sure some people feel the same here, but I felt empty after reading the book. I wanted to read it again! It's one of those books that carry so many different emotions, at times you're thinking "What are you doing Travis/Abby?" and other times you're like "Just do it". It is an emotional roller coaster pretty much.
I have to say when I first started reading it I was worried that it would be an exact copy of Beautiful Disaster but from Travis' perspective but I was so excited when I began to read little extracts and I was like "Wait a minute this is new". And the ending was unexpected, but at the same time I loved hearing about how their life together turned out after University which was pretty awesome.

Have you read Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster?
If so feel free to leave a comment on how you found the books :)

Enjoy x

My Previous Review:
Beautiful Disaster

Author's Website:  Jamie McGuire
GoodReads: Walking Disaster

Available in most book stores and online now.


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