The Host (2013)

Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Romance
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Diane Kruger, Max Irons, Jake Abel
Certificate Rating: 12
My Rating: 4/5
From the novel 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer
When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking their bodies. Melanie will risk everything she's ever known to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world.
(taken from IMDb)
I have to admit before I went to see this I had no clue what the story entailed. All I knew was that it was the movie adaptation of Stephanie Meyer's 'The Host'.WOW this film was not what I was expecting it to be, the story line was fantastic: a girl trapped in her own body by an alien "soul" and trying to resist and get back to the remaining humans and Earth that she cares about. It was a truly amazing film. I love the story and of course who doesn't love the love triangle between Melanie Stryder, Jared and Ian. Me and my friends came out of the cinema undecided on who we would pick if we were in Melanie/Wanda's position. I loved the ending too where Wanda received a body of her own. It made for a truly happy ending where everyone got to be with who they wanted to be with. This was a very different film and I'm glad I saw it, it really is something different from the Vampires an I will definitely be investing in the book and giving that a read and review.
Although I did like the Twilight Saga, I have to admit I did get bored of it and I found The Host (film) to be great. Obviously you can not compare this to Twilight but the narrative was amazing.
Enjoy x
IMDb: The Host
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