Ways To Be Productive During Self Isolation

I don't want to mention the pandemic that the world is seeing right now too much on my blog but it is a serious matter. With that being said I hope each individual is using best practice for good health and hygiene and most importantly stay safe and at home where possible.

A lot of my friends have been saying that during isolation they have been feeling demotivated and miserable at the fact that they can't get out very often and have to stay indoors. With that being said it is very easy to fall into this routine of boredom and lacking the motivation to do anything really, so I have come up with simple suggestions that you could do a little or a lot of each day to make you feel accomplished or even motivated. These really are easy steps to take and remember that this time isn't about how you use it, it's about protecting everyone so it's ok to do nothing too.

Films/ TV Shows
This is probably one of the most popular options to waste time throughout the day, whether you want to watch TV or not. TV offers so many genres of programmes to watch; and let's not forget different streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ which all give us more and more options to view each week.
 Disney+ probably came at the best time with its release in the UK happening in the first week of "lockdown". There are hundred of films to watch from Disney Animated Classics to Pixar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and more. But let's not forget that National Geographic is also a part of the bundle and if you have children or younger siblings to look after this can be a great way for them to still learn about the world and different cultures through this.
 Netflix likewise has the kids profile and various genres that make an easy watch with thousands of TV shows and documentaries. Tiger King is the most popular docuseries in the world right now and you could easily watch that in one day or over a couple of days. Netflix have loads of other documentary shows and movies that you could also bingewatch, they add new media weekly.

If you want to avert your eyes from technology then take time to unwind and relax with a good book. It doesn't have to be anything deep and meaningful, it could be a book you want to revisit, a book you've been meaning to read for ages, or simply a graphic novel. There are loads of different ways to read nowadays where you don't have to just pick up a physical copy (although that is my favourite way); with technology improving each year readers are now able to listen to audiobooks through apps like Audible, or even borrow ebooks from your local library. My local uses the app Overdrive where I have access to all of my libraries ebooks that I can choose to borrow or even listen to.
 I love the GoodReads app as I can challenge myself to read a certain number of books throughout the year and I definitely have a lot of time on my hands now to read. For anyone asking, I'm currently reading Dante's The Divine Comedy.

Likewise, why not get creative? Have you always been meaning to write something? Why not try writing something, could be as small as a journal entry, a short novel, or you could go the whole way and write a novel or screenplay. Writing will keep your mind active, allow yourself to get creative and will help you to be your own critic when proof reading and editing your work.
If you have children or siblings why not get them to write a story or a play and they could always perform it to the household.

One thing that I have found that boosts my creativeness, and makes use of this time indoors, is scrapbooking. I love taking photos of memories, from travels and special occasions, and rather than putting them in a ready made photo album I purchase scrapbooks and make my own photo album. That way I can have the photos the way I want them and can decorate the pages how I like.
 A good tip for anyone wanting to print photos from their phone is to use printing apps. I use the app Free Prints which allows 45 free prints a month (6"x4" size, like a postcard) and all you have to do is pay for postage. I love using this and then when they arrive I get creative and find different ways to stick them in my scrapbooks. Another useful tip for sticking them in the scrapbook is to use photo corners. I love to use the Paperchase photo corners, you get 500 for about £3 which is really great value for money.

New Hobby
Continuing this, find yourself a hobby! Is there something you've been desperate to try but never found the time to sit down and do? Well now is the perfect time, from writing and scrapbooking to finding meditation or yoga routines. Why not get into photography, doesn't have to be anything major or require purchasing a camera; most people have a phone with a camera now so why not get outside on a walk and take a photo of nature, the landscape, or even people at a distance. Document the global pandemic and it can be something to look back on one day.
 I love to paint, I used to study Art in school, so it's been fun picking up a pencil and sketching, and painting again. Again with technology I have been teaching myself to draw on the iPad with apps like ProCreate. I've also been teaching myself to sew, and improving my sewing techniques. It seems that I sew wonky, at an angle, and it has made me laugh so hard but it's something that I can look back on. This has also inspired me to try cross-stitch/embroidery. Wish me luck!

In the UK the government is advising that you can leave your house once a day to either go to the supermarkets to buy essentials or for activities such as exercise/walking. This is a perfect way to get out of your home if you feel "trapped". Walking in the fresh air, and at the moment glorious weather, will boost your spirit and allow you to think freely without distractions. Like I said previously you could take a camera or a phone and photograph the journey you go on. Maybe you'll see animals or insects, or a bit of bird spotting.
 If you don't want to leave the house why not do a home workout. There are thousands of home workout videos on Youtube and so many people are uploading their own videos every second. Joe Wicks from The Body Coach on Youtube is doing an amazing job at keeping kids active with his morning P.E. workouts. It isn't just for kids but is an active way to get the family involved. Similarly there are hundreds of great coaches on Youtube like Blogilates, Lucy Wyndham-Read and Les Mills.
 Failing that you can always just put some music on and dance it off. Have a solo dance party or a household dance party. I love Grey's Anatomy and whenever the characters, specifically Meredith Grey, feel like they are in a slump they dance it off and the movement gets them back up and looking forward.

I love a good game. From board games through to console games. I think it's a good way to keep your mind active when you want to just sit for a while. Board games are a great way to play with people in your home; you could play a new game or revisit an old game that you haven't played in a while. I recently purchased Jumanji: The Game and having never played it before my family and I have loved playing it. We also have loved playing Scrabble and Cluedo, and for those older adult members of the house, why not play a cheeky game of Cards Against Humanity
 Gaming is another great way to lose yourself for a couple of hours, or loads of hours depending on what you play. I've been playing console games on and off all of my life, from GameBoys to PlayStation and Wii etc. Well with the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizon which took the gaming world by storm I was feeling a sense of F.O.M.O (fear of missing out). Because of the hype of this game the Nintendo Switch easily became the most sold out console during the pandemic lockdown and each time stock came back in it was sold out in a matter of minutes. I bit the bullet and bought myself a Nintendo Switch last week and have non-stop been playing it every day since it arrived. Of course I downloaded Animal Crossing: New Horizons and I love it. I love the Animal Crossing games, having played Wild World on my Nintendo DS for years, and now I'm loving the new one. I might write a blog post on it soon. 

Have a spring clean
Want to take a break from technology? A great way to do this is to have a tidy up, clear out, or simply a clean. I like to go through my belongings every season to see what I'm still wearing and loving or what I'm not going to wear again or won't use again and can go on to a better home. A lot of things that are still in good condition can go on to better homes by either donating to charities, shelters or if you think it could be worth money, sell it on.
Also despite most companies now going electronic with receipting I still have a ton of papers in a box and I like to go through them and keep the important ones and shred that ones I don't need anymore.
 I'm planning on having a sort out this week coming and I'm looking forward to it. Last month I went through my bookshelf and got rid of a few books that I donated to a charity and I know I have a few more books under my bed that I probably could get rid of too. Gasp! Giving away books can be a tough thing to do when you're a book worm but it also makes room for new books. Mwahaha!

Lastly I have been seeing this left right and centre all over various social media and news. Baking. People have been baking and cooking more now that they are at home than ever...probably. And what better way to find use for those products going out of date than to bake. So many people have been making banana bread, which is a great way to use ingredients that are going out of date. Also as it is springtime, or if you celebrate Easter, why not bake festive recipes. A classic chocolate nest cake?
I've been enjoying baking cookies and the classic Victoria Sponge cake but with a twist, instead of jam we used Maltesers Crunchy Chocolate Spread. There are tons of recipes online from big websites to small blogs. For example I didn't have any self-raising flour but I have learnt that you can do the same thing with the right ration of plain flour and baking powder.

I hope you have found these useful. Let me know in the comments down below how you have been productive each day. I hope everyone is staying safe and well during this time.

Enjoy x


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