London Comic Con Spring

When: 29th February and 1st March 2020
Location: Olympia, London.

On Saturday I went to London for the London Comic Con Spring event and had a fantastic time. This was my first ever Comic Con! (gasp!) It was a great day and I really got to explore and see a lot of what the comic con community means to people.

The London Comic Con Spring (LCCS) was open from 9-6 both days of the weekend. I visited the event space with friends just for the one day. The ticket prices were really affordable, coming in at £19, and we spent a long time there so it is definitely worth the money. We arrived about 11.30am which was perfect timing as we hardly had to wait in the queue to gain entrance to amazing nerdy world inside.

Once inside, the LCCS was spread over two floors, the ground floor, and biggest, consisted of retail stalls selling all kinds of merchandise, from comics, books, DVDs, themed merch, POP figures, collectibles, pins, replica weapons, games, graphic t-shirts, mystery boxes, artwork etc. You name it, they probably sold it. There were also retail vendors selling food and drinks, mostly from American and Asian cultures but also local companies selling chocolate (moulded into themed shapes) and fudge.

I spent hours looking at all the stalls on the main level and I mean my friends and I searched each individual one. We were always drawn in by the POP figures and advertisements for cool promotions only available at LCCS. There was a really cool gaming stall that sold literally every platform of games possible, old and new alike, including the original Nintendo GameBoy, PlayStation 1 and SEGA Mega Drive; it was endless and we spent a long time flicking through the stacks.

I also enjoyed seeing all the different artworks and illustrations that each business had to offer. Some of them were really talented. Like these artworks to the right (image). This artist was so talented and had loads of artwork displayed at their stall.

After hours of perusing the stalls for great finds and future collectibles, we stopped to have something to eat. In the Olympia there are plenty of food options that cater for all as well as some of the LCCS vendors selling snacks too. Whilst we were sitting down we got to take in more of the Comic Con atmosphere and see everyone in their cosplay. There were some great outfits seen throughout the day, a lot of Freddy Kreugers, Storm Troopers, Stranger Things cast and Marvel related costumes.

We then headed up to the first floor, a much smaller surface space for us to cover luckily enough. This area was called 'Small Press and Artist Alley', featuring local independent artists selling their original work, published comic books, and other merchandise. It was really cool to see their varying styles and what they have produced so far. A lot of the artists were busy working on future products too.

Also upstairs were the meet-and-greet opportunities. The LCCS featured many actors and artists that you had the chance to have an autograph or photo with. Most of the actors do charge per autograph/photo and the prices do vary. Stars that attended the convention included:
Robert Englund - A Nightmare On Elm Street (Freddy Kreuger)
Ian McDiarmid - Star Wars (Emperor Palpatine)
Charles Dance - Game of Thrones (Tywin Lannister)
Tom Hopper - Umbrella Academy
Daniel Portman - Game of Thrones (Podrick)
and so many more from great cult shows and films like Doctor Who, Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.

We ended up leaving about 4 o'clock, we spent nearly six hours there and honestly it was worth every minute. In my opinion I thought one day was enough for this size event as I could imagine somewhere like the MCM London would need maybe two days of exploring (due to it being a much larger venue). The LCCS was perfect to get everything in in one day.

The fact that I had never been to a Comic Con before this one, and had such a fantastic time, means that ultimately I now have the bug and can't wait to go to another one. Watch this space!

Did any of you go to the London Comic Con Spring? If so, what was your favourite part of the experience? Leave a comment down below.

Enjoy x


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