Hitchcock (2012)

Country: USA/UK
Genre: Drama
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel
Certificate Rating: 12
My Rating: 5/5
Behind every Psycho is a great woman.
The story of Alfred Hitchcock's life during the making of Psycho; how the film became him and his obsession with not only the story but his Hitchcock blondes. And the story of Hitchcock's love, Alma Reville, and the story of how they became the greatest team in the Film Industry.
I absolutely love Hitchcock. He is truly an auteur director and simply one of the greatest directors ever (in my opinion). This film is comical, witty and a true nerdy film for anyone who loves Hitchcock. We get to see his troubles with finding the next big film for him to direct and the difficulties he came across when Psycho was too horrible for cinema theatres to screen. For any film nerd this film is truly insightful into the world of the film industry as well as the behind the scenes on making a film. More importantly it shows Hitchcock's wife Alma Reville's importance in his life and how she truly is the perfect Hitchcock woman. Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins did a spectacular job in their roles of portraying Hitchcock and Alma along with Scarlett Johansson playing the delightful Vera Miles and the distant Vivien Leigh played by Jessica Biel. The cast were amazing, the cinematography was spectacular and the overall film was just…Psycho.Enjoy x
IMDb: Hitchcock
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