Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Released: 2013 My Edition 2014
Publishers: HarperCollins Children’s Books
Format: Hardback
Pages: 526
My Rating: 5/5

What if your whole world was a lie?

Warning: Will contain spoilers!

The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in
 is shattered - fractured by violence and power 
struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known. Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties and painful memories.
But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature – and of herself – while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love.

Oh My Gosh! Words cannot describe how I feel right now. It has literally been half an hour since I finished reading the last page of Allegiant and wow what an emotional journey to have been on! This was literally a massive roller coaster of emotions, confusions, frustration and more. There is quite a lot to talk about for this book as for me it was like Marmite, you either love it or you hate it. So I shall begin. 

Allegiant was written in dual perspective meaning that each chapter was either told from Tris' or Tobias' perspective. This I totally understood and thought was really intriguing as we saw a lot into the Eaton's lives, the struggle Tobias has with his parents who are at War against each other. Plus we get to see life from Tris' perspective which is what the readers have been used to. We get to feel her hatred towards Caleb, which I will delve further into in a minute. However I did feel that times I was reading and I was like wait a minute I'm confused, oh I'm reading from Tobias' perspective. There was a few times when the writing seemed so coherent that I had to double check who's life I was reading about. 

Now to talk about the characters: 
Peter is the first character we should probably talk about as throughout the Divergent series Peter has been the character that we predominantly hate most of the time. I mean he attempted to kill Tris and stabbed Edward in the eye with a butter knife. And then we get to Allegiant where Peter wants to leave the city with the group and throughout their life in the Compound you can't help but wonder what Peter is up to. I mean Peter being Erudite-born you understand why he wanted to go. Peter was also one of those characters who popped up in the narrative at crucial points otherwise you didn't hear about him. Then we get towards the ending where he goes wants to reset his mind with the memory serum and basically admits to Tobias that he isn't happy with the way he's lived his life. I felt at the end that I liked Peter for realising his mistakes and wanting the opportunity for a new future. It was a nice round up for Peter I think.

We should really talk about Caleb and his role since Insurgent. We along with Tris pretty much do not trust Caleb anymore despite there being a small voice within us saying that he's still her brother and they love each other deep deep down. However although he felt obliged to sacrifice his life he didn't in the end! When the security guards came coming and Tris pretended to hold him hostage it's not as if he ran off to get the job done! No! We would have seen a whole new and different, possibly happy ending, but no Caleb just stood there and went along with Tris' hostage plan. And then after the event we don't really hear from him! Like I understand that Caleb probably wouldn't have made it through the death serum and we would have had someone else, most likely Tris to save the day, which she did. But still why Tris why!

I really appreciated having the dual perspective, despite the confusion at times, as we really got to see Tobias Eaton's struggle for choice. His choice between his parents, his choice to leave the city in search for the truth and the choice between what's right and wrong. However one thing I didn't understand was why Tobias trusted Nita. She always seemed like a strange character to me and the fact that Tobias got a slight hint at Tris and Matthew, much like Tris got a slight hint of jealousy towards Nita and Tobias. But Tobias why did you accept to follow and help Nita when you hardly knew her!! Also the ending with Tobias, I just felt so sad for him, just when he patches things up with his mother he loses the love of his life and you see the struggles he faces to move on with his life, even contemplating the memory serum. I, as well as everyone else I suspect, appreciated the zip line scene where he scatters Tris' ashes. I do not know how I'm going to cope when Allegiant hits cinemas!

And now for Tris. Tris! Why! Why did she have to take her life! She had her whole future literally laid out for her but no she was like "I can survive the death serum, I can do it". Yes you might be the most powerful divergent but you can't survive bullets! Oh, Tris! Literally for the whole of Allegiant she was sure she knew what she was doing and then it all comes down to this! I literally wanted to throw the book out of my window (like Bradley Cooper's character does in Silver Lining's Playbook). Then when she was up against David and she released the memory serum, whilst being shot, there was a moment when her mother comes into the scene and for a moment I was like "her mother was alive all this time" but then you realise nope! Tris is slowly dying and her mother is here to take her away. I just wanted to cry! So much hope!!

Lastly I just want to ask why couldn't they just use the memory serum on the whole country and then there would be no conflict between Genetically Pure and Genetically Damaged as people wouldn't know about them? Then everyone would have had a happy ending and life could have been restored to normal. They didn't need all those wars in the first place! I mean look back on Tobias and Tris in the first book, they were relatively happy with the world they lived in, I mean despite Jeanine Matthews killing Divergents. 

Overall this book was amazing Veronica Roth did a superb job, this series is now unforgettable because of this book. This series is one of my all time favourite series! I would seriously recommend it to anyone! If you haven't read it - READ IT! Go watch the film. Just get in to the series! 

Enjoy x

My Previous Reviews on:

Author's Website:  Veronica Roth
GoodReads:  Allegiant

Available in most book stores and online now.


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