The GoodReads Tag

I'm back at it with another tag. I'm enjoying answering these and this times it's about the books I read and how I make a record of them...

What was the last book you marked as read: 
Neferet’s Curse by P.C. and Kristin Cast, part of the House of Night series.

What are you currently reading: 
Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Stay Fly by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Paper Girls Vol. 5 by Brian K. Vaughan

What was the last book you marked as Want To Read: 
In Real Life by Cory Doctorow.

What book do you plan to read next: 
Captain Marvel Vol 3: Alis Volat Propriis by Kelly Sue DeConnick

Do you use the star rating system: 
Yes for every book, I don’t usually leave reviews, unless I really loved it or hated it. 

Are you doing a reading challenge: 
Yes I’m doing the 2019 GoodReads Reading Challenge. I have challenged myself to read 30 books and so far I have read 13. 

Do you have a wishlist: 
Not on GoodReads. 

What book do you plan to buy next:
I’m trying to finish the House of Night series, by P.C. and Kristin Cast, so I will purchase Kalona’s Fall and Redeemed.

What’s your favourite quote: 
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - George R.R. Martin

Who are your favourite authors: 
Jamie McGuire, J.K. Rowling, Jules Verne... the list goes on and on. 

Are you a part of any group: 
I have subscribed to Our Shared Shelf, Emma Watson’s book club about various subject matters surround the female. I love a good book recommendation from here and enjoy when a book has been suggested and I’ve already read it. 

What could GoodReads do better: 
Hmmm. Sometimes the book recommendations aren’t a little accurate. That or be able to see past years challenges on the app. 

Enjoy x


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