Game of Thrones Tag

As Game of Thrones draws to an end tonight I thought it would be fun to do a tag. This Game of Thrones tag was inspired by book Youtubers Game of Tomes alongside a tag I found elsewhere on the internet. And as I thought these questions were fun I thought I'd answer them as well as create some new ones as we lead into the finale of the show.

Game of Tomes Questions:
How did you discover the series/books?
I was at university and my friends were all talking about the show. It was just before Season Four was about to air and I gave into the hype and binge-watched Seasons One to Three. I am so glad I got into the show.

Who is your all-time favourite character?
ARYA STARK. Enough said.

Who is your favourite side character?
I'm guessing by "side" they're referring to secondary characters and I'm thinking maybe Brienne of Tarth. She's not secondary in my eyes but she is a strong female character. Or Tormund! Tormund Giantsbane is hilarious!

If you could magically resurrect a character by sacrificing another character, who would you sacrifice and who would you bring back?
That's a difficult question, hmmm maybe sacrifice Cersei Lannister for Margaery Tyrell. Or if we are going as current as tonight's episode then *SPOILER* that's even harder as they're aren't many left alive!

You're a person of the Night's Watch, who would you break your oath of chastity for?
Honestly if I knew where the show was leading to, as a character in the series, I would not break my oath of the Night's Watch. But if I had to choose, then I guess for Jon Snow. 

Dragon or Direwolf? Which would you rather have by your side?
Dragon all the way! How cool would it be to ride one of those magnificent creatures!

Which character would you most like to portray on television?
Arya Stark. Loads of people say I look like her. 

What is your favourite moment of the series/books?
I won't spoil it for any of those who haven't seen it but Arya's moment in the Battle of Winterfell! Hands down my favourite episode ever. 

Who do you think deserves to sit on the Iron Throne by the end of the series?
Arya Stark!

Other Questions I have found and ones I have made up:
Who is your favourite House apart from Stark and Lannister? 
House Tyrell. I loved Margaery and Olenna's narratives. 

Favourite character from House Stark and Worst:
Favourite - Arya - I sense a theme in the blog post. 
Worst - Bran

Favourite character from House Lannister and Worst:
Favourite: Tyrion
Worst: Joffrey

What are your thoughts about the series: 
I don't want it to end!

Favourite episode/season:
Season Three really drew me in to the show with the Red Wedding finale but Season Eight episode three has to be my favourite episode to date. Check out my Game of Thrones' post here

How did you react to the Red Wedding:

How did you react to the Battle of Winterfell:

What are you looking forward to in the upcoming book/season? 
Now we’re on Season Eight and the finale is tonight I really do not want it to end. I’m also hoping the show's creators are going ahead with creating spinoffs. I think they could do so much within the Westerosi(?) world. This can not be the end of Game of Thrones for good. 

I really can't believe Game of Thrones will be over after tonight. It truly is the end of an era. What show is going to dominate our lives after this show comes to an end?

Enjoy x


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