A Beautiful Wedding (Novella) by Jamie McGuire

Released: 2013
Publishers: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 146
My Rating: 4/5

Travel back in time and relive something old and something new…

Warning: May Contain Spoilers

Our favourite bad bay, Travis Maddox, is in serious trouble: he could be held responsible for the fire that ravaged the underground fight scene. 
Abby Abernathy will do whatever it takes to keep Travis safe, no matter how crazy…even if it means returning to Vegas.
Will Abby and Travis get their happily ever after, or will the City of Sin suck them back in?

Although I did not realise it was a novella at the time I thoroughly enjoyed delving back into the world of Abby and Travis. The readers get to see what happens after the fight and before Abby and Travis have kids; so basically this novella plays out just before the end of the events we read about in Walking Disaster. In the novella we are presented with a dual perspective, each chapter swaps between the perspective of Abby and Travis as they embark on the madness that is Las Vegas...again. 
Beautiful Wedding was really intriguing to read as we get to know a little more about what happens after the fight and the destruction it caused to families in the novel. We also delve more into their decision, or rather Abby's decision, to get married, to protect Travis who was a suspect in the investigation for the fire, the underground fight and the death of his opponent. We also see the struggles they have to face in Vegas before the marriage and how they come to terms with marriage at a young age.  One thing that I thought was totally cheesy but I absolutely loved was the letter written by Travis' mother before she died. It seemed very Nicholas Sparks to me but I thought it fit well into the scenario as Abby got to appreciate Travis and his life long problems and I personally think that's what made Abby love Travis even more. What I also loved about this novella was that you got to read about the actual Wedding, which was only briefly mentioned in Beautiful and Walking Disaster. Their stereotypical Vegas wedding of course involved an Elvis impersonator and you see their struggles of going up the aisle, the "cold feet", and the real reason why the wedding was such a quick decision. We also get to read about America being annoyed that she didn't get to see the Wedding in which America plans a whole new wedding one year later for Abby and Travis to renew their vowels, which of course involve seeing briefly into the Hen Party, where Kara and a few other minor characters are seen, and Travis' Stag Party which involves the Maddox family and Shepley.
I have to admit this novella took me the longest to read compared to the previous two novels and honestly I think this could have easily been a third book. There were elements left unanswered, there was a scene where Travis questioned Abby and she changed the subject so we never found out the answer, which if it were a novel could have been summed up later on and there could easily have been room to answer the readers desire. However this has led me to assume that this isn't the last book in the series (I know Beautiful Oblivion comes out soon)  but the fact that there is more to learn about these two shows that there is room for more books. McGuire is there? 
Overall I'd say if you're a fan of the Beautiful Disaster series then you won't be disappointed, it's a great little novella which adventures further in to the lives of Travis and Abby and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Enjoy x

My Previous Reviews: 
Beautiful Disaster 
Walking Disaster 

Author's Website:  Jamie McGuire 
GoodReads:  A Beautiful Wedding 

Available in most book stores and online now.


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