Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan

Release Date: 2012
Publishers: MIRA Book, an imprint of Harlequin (UK) Ltd.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 260
My Rating: 5/5

I've left some clues for you.
If you want them, turn the page.
If you don't, put the book back on the shelf, please.

At the urge of her lucky-in-love brother, sixteen year old Lily has left a red moleskin notebook full of dares on her favourite bookshop shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept.

Curious, snarky Dash isn't one to back down from a challenge - and the Book of Dares is the perfect thing to keep him occupied this Christmas. 

As they send each other on a snowbound scavenger hunt across Manhattan, they're falling in love for each other on paper.
But finding out their real selves share their on-page chemistry could be their biggest dare yet. 


I was half way through reading another book when I was looking at my bookshelf and spotted this book. Realising that I hadn't yet read it, I had the sudden urge to read it. So I did. Although the novel is set in Manhattan at Christmas, and I'm reading it in Summer, I totally fell in love with everything about this book. It was a super quick read with which I absolutely fell in love with their paper relationship as well as their real life meetings; however at inconvenient times i.e Dash and Lily meeting when Lily is intoxicated or picking up poo!
The character development was beautiful and I felt that I wanted to come across a red moleskin in a bookstore! I was intrigued at  how their dares led to trouble and accusations: from Manhattan mothers, staff at department stores guarding Santa. And even though I haven't been to Manhattan I felt I got a feel of it, although minuscule, especially Manhattan at Christmastime with the snow as well as the endless queues outside Macy's, Madam Tussauds and the toy shop.

This truly is an amazing heart felt book if your looking for romance that if found in the most unexpected places. I loved how in a way they were linked through the red moleskin notebook as well as the people that surround them, whether they are loving like Lily's family or looking for the new girl like Edgar Thibaud.

If you're looking for a great contemporary romance, then this is for you. I shall be re-reading this at Christmastimes from now on.

Enjoy x

Author's Website:  Rachel Cohn
GoodReads: Dash & Lily 

Available in most book stores and online now.


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