April Favourites

So here it is, my first Monthly Favourites!

I thought I'd do this on what I have been loving for the month of April, so here we go:

Artist: Bridgit Mendler  I recently started listening to her album and WOW I absolutely love her album "My Name Is..." The only way I can describe Mendler's album is Poppy, Chilled, Summer vibes. If you haven't heard 'Ready or Not' or 'Hurricane' you definitely need to check them out.

Album: Paramore - Paramore  Well if you don't know who these guys are, Have you been living under a rock? They sure know how to make a come back this album will probably be in my car for the duration of Summer. Like before Paramore's albums have a bit of everything. My favourite songs so far include: Fast In My Car, Now, Ain't It Fun, Part II, Still Into You and Anklebiters.

Disney Film: The Lion King This has recently been on Sky Disney Movie Channel and who doesn't love the Lion King (and the fact that it was in HD!). It is ultimately my favourite Disney (only) movie. It's so quotable! Although the beginning is sad, I have to admit my favourite parts of the movie are Timon and Pumba. Hakuna Matata 
"Its a motto."
"What's a motto?"
"Nothing. What's the matter with you?"
...Oh they do crack me up!

Book: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green followed close up by the Beautiful Disaster series by Jamie McGuire. I recently started reading The Fault In Our Stars; I have had this for a few months and its been a highly talked about book so I finally jumped on the band wagon and oh my lord, this book is beautiful! (Warning: Expect a review soon!) I'm only half way through and any free time I find myself having, I'm jumping for the book.
Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster are up in my list of Top Favourite Books. These were amazing books, if you're interested in a young adult romance but with a dark side. I thoroughly enjoyed these books and it is such as shame the series doesn't properly continue. Although there are rumours that McGuire is writing about the Maddox brothers.

Film: The Host cinema wise and Perks of Being a Wallflower. So this month I have seen a collection of films at the cinema but my favourite has to be The Host. I had no clue about the plot line; all I knew was that it was adapted from the novel written by Stephenie Meyer. So I went in to the cinema, hoping it wasn't going to be like Twilight and it was brilliant. A sci-fi romance. I came out thinking I could happily watch that again. I also bought the book on my Kindle so when I have time I shall be reading that. 
Now in the UK Perks of Being a Wallflower has been out for a while. But I only recently bought it when I went on a shopping spree with my friends. I'm so glad I finally bought this DVD, I absolutely loved the book (which is far better than the DVD) and the film was amazing. (Expect reviews) I think the cast chosen is spot on; Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller are amazing at portraying their characters. I won't talk too much about this film other than if you haven't seen it...SEE IT!

Musical: Pitch Perfect Now this is another film that recently came out on DVD in the UK and once again the day it came out I bought it. God knows how many times I've watched it, but it is quite a few times. I am a bit of a fan girl for this movie, it is up there in my top favourites. I have already learnt the Cup Song, can near enough quote the movie off by heart and the soundtrack is in my car. (Expect review shortly) "You've got juice pouches and Rocky"

TV Series: New Girl or The Vampire Diaries New Girl has recently come back to UK TV for its second season. I love Jess and Nick and all of the characters to be fair. They're so nerdy and exactly how I imagine people to live in an apartment together. Or how I imagine myself if I lived in an apartment with three guys. 
I have been loving The Vampire Diaries too. They are currently on their fourth season and (any of you TVD fans) if you look back, the characters have experienced a lot in so little time. Naughty vampires, messing everything up. I really like where the story line is going. The only thing that upsets me is so many great characters are killed off!! WHY?!?!

Favourite Songs: Demi Lovato - Heart Attack
                           Bridgit Mendler - Ready or Not
                           Paramore - Ain't It Fun
                           Justin Timberlake - Mirrors
                           Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
                           Taylor Swift - 22
                           Icona Pop - I love it
                           Room 94 - Chasing The Summer
                           Avril Lavigne - Here's To Never Growing Up
                           Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry

Nail Varnish: Models Own - Indian Ocean. When I was on my shopping spree with my friends, we spent a good hour in Boots (drugstore) looking at make-up and hair products. When I saw the Models Own counter, they had displayed the new collection, the scented polishes and as I looked further down the display 'Indian Ocean' just stood out and I was like "I gotta have that!" So I picked it up and it's such a pretty colour. It looks blue, then when you turn it in the light it gives of this pink/gold/rose gold colour. I like to call it Mermaid Scales, cos that's how I imagine them to be. Hee Hee. And the colour comes out exactly like it looks in the bottle although I would suggest 2 to 3 coats of it.

Hair Product: Toni + Guy Causal Sea Salt Texturising Spray Want beach styled waves or nice looking wind swept hair (not the dragged through a hedge backwards) then this product is for you. You just spray in the ends of your hair, I then scrunch my hair upwards to create messy waves (couldn't think of another word apart from scrunch) and there you go. It's good if your really lazy with your hair, like me, as I just spray it, make it look sort of good then I'm good to go. 

Makeup: Balmi - Strawberry. Now being in Spring/Summer, you want your lips to look good and not dry, Balmi I find works wonders. I know theirs a product called EOS which is similar but i haven't tried that yet. Balmi's smell amazing and leave your lips moisturised and it stays on for a long time.  I currently have the Strawberry one with smells like Strawberry BonBons if anyone has ever tried those.

What are your favourites for the month? Feel free to leave comments.

Enjoy x


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