A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Release Date: 2012
Publishers: Walker Books
Format: Paperback
Pages: 204
My Rating: 3/5

From an original idea by Siobhan Dowd...

The Monster showed up after midnight. As they do.

Illustrated by Jim Kay

Released in 2011

The Monster showed up after midnight. As they do.
But is isn't the monster Conor's been expecting. He's been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he's had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming...

This monster is something different, though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor.

It wants the truth.

Set in England, A Monster Calls follows the life of a young boy named Conor, who is struggling to deal with his mother's on going illness with cancer. Every night/morning at 12:07 the monster visits Conor in which the monster wishes to tell him three stories in exchange for a story from Conor himself. Conor does not like the monster but the monster tells him that Conor summoned the yew tree to come walking and here he is. Conor who barely talks to anyone, not his father, not anybody at school and especially not his grandmother soon realises why the monster is with him, to confront his feelings and as things escalate, Conor must learn to accept.

I have to admit, when I had first heard of this book, from Booktubers on Youtube, it seemed like a very interesting read. And it was. Although it was not what I was expecting, I still found the novel very moving and beautifully written. I loved the illustrations (my artiness coming out) they were amazing and so different to anything I've ever seen before. The character Conor was one of those characters where you felt you was him, whether you are a boy or a girl! His character had so much development and it was like you went on the journey with Conor and his family and the monster. I really did end up enjoying this book despite being a bit optimistic at the beginning.

Enjoy x

Author's Website:  Patrick Ness
GoodReads:  A Monster Calls  

Available in most book stores and online now.


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