December Favourites

Artist: Elvis Presley
Elvis is the King of Rock 'n' Roll and goes without a doubt that he is one of my all-time favourite musicians. My Nan introduced me to his music and his films and I've been a convert ever since. You can listen to his music whatever mood you are in and I always find myself going to his music and pressing play. Some of my favourite songs include: Don't Be Cruel, All Shook Up, In The Ghetto, Can't Help Falling In Love, and If I Can Dream, of course their are hundreds of songs that I love too.

Album: No. 6 Collaborations Project - Ed Sheeran
I haven't listened to many new albums this month but I did receive Ed Sheeran's collaboration album for Christmas; and as always with Sheeran I have enjoyed listening to the many ways his talent evolves. Of course two of the most popular songs in the record being I Don't Care featuring Justin Beiber, and South of the Border with Camila Cabello.  I like how Ed Sheeran is able to dip into all of these genres from RnB to Grime to Rap with stars like Stormzy (Take Me Back To London), Chance The Rapper (Cross Me) and even Rock with the awesome song BLOW featuring Chris Stapleton and Bruno Mars. It just proves that Ed Sheeran is a fantastic musician who is still heading upwards in his career.

Film: Jumanji: The Next Level
A lot of amazing films came out in the month of the December but Jumanji: The Next Level crept in there at the last minute and had to be hands down my favourite film I saw this month, sorry Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker. I was in heaps of laughter right from the start, the cast has been added to and this helps make the movie hilarious and now you understand why they made another film. The big four: The Rock, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan and Jack Black were of course hilarious and their combination really do make the film so much better. I would recommend this film to anyone who has seen the first revamp. A great laugh this holiday season.

TV: The Big Bang Theory
I haven't watch much TV this month but after binge-watching the complete box set of Friends I think moved on to binge-watching The Big Bang Theory. I'm currently only on Season Four but I still forget how the nerdy, comedic aspects are written so well and it is a hilarious show. I've even converted my Dad in to watching the show and he was watched more than I have now. As always a great cast, I love all the scientific and nerdy references in this show, and you think where can they go from here but it keeps getting better. The series has finished now but I haven't seen the last two seasons so keep an eye out for a potential TV review of the series.

1. Current Location - LANY
2. BLOW - Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton and Bruno Mars
3. Hollywood - Lewis Capaldi
4. Juice - Lizzo
5. Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy
6. Return to Sender - Elvis Presley
7. Mother - Charlie Puth
8. You Should See Me In A Crown - Billie Eilish
9. Needy - Ariana Grande
10. Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift

Moment of the Month: 9 To 5 The Musical
This month I met up with my friend and we went to see 9 To 5: The Musical at the Savoy Theatre in London. I was a bit unsure of this musical as before seeing it I only knew of the famous Dolly Parton song 9 to 5, but I went in expecting to enjoy myself nonetheless.
This musical was set out really well, they had Dolly Parton narrating the story and the cast were amazing. Set during the 80s the story follows three women who come together in their work place to prove that women can do anything men can do, even if their plans do take a turn. It was a hilarious production and very hilarious and rude, sometimes on the edge. I think what made this musical so much better was that David Hasselhoff was starring as the CEO of the company the three women worked for and so when a particular scene before the interval happened the whole audience were in fits of laughter at what they were seeing. I won't spoil it for anyone but it was very funny and probably the moment of the musical I talk about the most. 9 To 5: The Musical is running until the 8th February 2020.


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