October Favourites

Artist: Selena Gomez

Selena made a come back this month with not one but two singles that she released within 24 hours of each other. The first song Lose You To Love Me was a strong powerful ballad that grips you in the feels and makes you realise that she has become a much better woman in her two year hiatus from music.
Her second single Look At Her Now is a bop and to be honest when I first heard it I wasn't sure, but then I had the chorus stuck in my head and knew I was hooked. This is more upbeat and fun loving Selena that we have seen before and I look forward to the new music that she'll be bringing out soon.

Album: Dermot Kennedy
I have been seeing so many ads across Instagram and Spotify promoting this artist and I admit I caved because I heard Outnumbered and absolutely loved it. His album Without Fear is one that I've had on in the background and find myself stopping what I am doing and checking to see what the song is. He has a powerful voice and some of the lyrics are very relevant and hard-hitting too. It has a very chilled vibe to the album alongside electronic and hip-hop additions too.
For recommendations if you like Ed Sheeran and Rag'n'Bone man I would seriously give Dermot Kennedy a listen.

Film: Zombieland 2
After ten years of waiting for the sequel we finally got it...and I wasn't disappointed. I thought this was a great reprisal of the Zombieland universe and I thought it was just as great as the first one. It made references to the first film as well as introduce new characters and of course a new storyline. Woody Harrelson never fails to make me laugh as Tallahassee and it was great to see where the characters had got to in the ten year gap. I loved Zoey Deutch's character Maddison and her overly bubbly excitement at seeing humans, soy cute!

A great film to watch and was perfect to see just before Halloween.

TV: RuPaul's Drag Race UK
RuPaul's Drag Race has finally landed for its UK edition and I am absolutely here for it! I think they have chosen some great contestants and although there have only been five episodes so far I think this is a great season. There are so many quotes already from this season especially with Baga Chips and the characters she brings to the show, "Much Better".
I absolutely love the Snatch Game that they did in episode four and thought it was fantastic that the show is displaying our British humour, and that RuPaul and Michelle understand it too. There have also been some fantastic guest judges too.

1. Look At Her Now - Selena Gomez
2. Nice To Meet You - Niall Horan
3. Juice - Lizzo
4. Mother - Charlie Puth
5. Outnumbered - Dermot Kennedy
6. Lose You To Love Me - Selena Gomez
7. Nightmare - Halsey
8. King Creole - Elvis
9. Wasabi - Little Mix
10. Have It All - Jason Mraz

I now have an Instagram account for this blog, check it out @books.films.life

Enjoy x


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