Sierra Burgess Is A Loser (2018)

Writers: Lindsey Beer
Genre: Drama, Romance
Running Time: 105 minutes
Cast: Shannon Purser, Kristine Froseth, RJ Cyler, Noah Centineo
Country: US
Production Companies: Black Label Media
Distribution: Netflix Original Film
Certificate Rating: 12
My Rating: 3/5
Just Be You.
Sierra Burgess is a loser. At least that's what she thinks she is when she battles the norms of high school life. Considered herself a nobody, a simple band practice girl, and living up to her Dad’s fame, Sierra (Shannon Purser) is suddenly messaged by an unknown person, named Jamey (Noah Centineo). As their mobile conversation continues Sierra realises that Jamey thinks she is someone else, head cheerleader Veronica (Kristine Froseth). In an attempt to make ends meet Sierra keeps up the facade that Jamey is talking to Veronica, and she tries forms a plan: Sierra will educate Veronica if Veronica keeps playing along with the relationship.
Sierra Burgess has been considered a Cyrano de Bergerac story, a play written by Edmond Rostand following similar plot points in which a character who deems themselves unpretty uses fellow acquaintances to reach their final desire, the love interest. A lot of people have picked up that Cyrano de Bergerac sounds a little like Sierra Burgess, coincidence? I think not.
The first two acts of the film show little or lack of human interaction between Sierra and Jamey as they hide away in their rooms and talk through texts. It isn’t until Sierra makes a deal with Veronica to help each other out that Sierra even gets a chance to see him in real life, coning Veronica into a date with Jamey in aid of Sierra educating Veronica to make her seem more intelligent for her college boyfriend. The first date makes the audience feel a little uncomfortable as Veronica squirms in her cinema seat unsure of how to act. It isn’t until the end of the date when Veronica and Jamey are talking in the car park, and Sierra hiding underneath the car to earwig on the conversation, that Veronica decides to help Sierra in a weird move that allows Sierra to kiss Jamey rather than Veronica.
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser focuses on young adults insecurities. Sierra is constantly striving to be better: better than her parents, better than her CV, almost better than her friends and high school peers. It almost feels like she is trying to achieve the ideal 'American Dream': get a good CV, go to a fantastic college and get a dreamy looking boyfriend and become a success. However the forefocus is that her insecurities are holding her back from all of this. When the film first opens we see Sierra walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror at herself saying “You are a magnificent beast”. From this opening we could assume that she is a positive female character, however the introduction of her parents around the breakfast table then makes reality come crashing down as we realise the words they say affect her.
Overall I did enjoy the film but I didn’t love it. I found it hard to align with the titular character who was ultimately catfishing her crush for the benefit of herself. Plus she gets the help of the original “villain” in the story, Veronica, to help, only then to back stab Veronica towards the end of the film by posting Veronica’s breakup with her college boyfriend at the school's sporting event. Yet all the while Sierra gets her happy ending. Despite some of my criticism the film is an easy-going watch and there are a few funny, sometimes cringey, moments in the film. Above all the true moral of the story is the struggle to find who you truly are in this modern world. We are surrounded by highlight reels of friends and celebrities lives and we fight a battle to show the best parts of our lives too.
What did you all think of the film? Comment down below how you felt.
Enjoy x
IMDb: Sierra Burgess Is A Loser
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