Beautiful Sacrifice by Jamie McGuire

Released: 2015
Publishers: Jamie McGuire (Self Published)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 258
My Rating: 4/5

Falyn Fairchild can walk away from anything. Already leaving behind her car, her education, and even her parents, the daughter of the next governor of Colorado is back in her hometown, broke and waiting tables for the Buckshaw Cafe. After every shift, Falyn adds to her shoebox of cash, hoping to one day save enough to buy her a plane ticket to the only place she can find forgiveness: Eakins, Illinois.

The moment Taylor Maddox is seated in Falyn's section at the Buckshaw, she knows he's trouble. Taylor is charming, breaks promises, and gorgeous even when covered in filth - making him everything Falyn believes a hotshot firefighter to be. Falyn isn't interested in becoming another statistic, and for a Maddox boy, a disinterested girl is the ultimate challenge.

Once Falyn learns where Taylor calls home, everything changes. In the end, Maddox persistence is met with Falyn's talent for leaving, and for the first time, Taylor may be the one to get burned.


So like all other Maddox Brothers novels so far, this time we are introduced to Taylor, one of the twins in the Maddox family, and Falyn, a waitress in Colorado who just so happens to serve Taylor at her diner and also just so happens to have a very mysterious connection back to Eakins where the Maddox family resides. Like most of the Maddox's love interests before, we too have this mystery through Falyn who wants to run away from her current life, which entices us and takes us along with Falyn and Taylor as they come closer and closer to the big reveal.

I think Falyn's back story is really heartbreaking and endearing as the readers follow her struggle to get away from her hometown in an effort to reach something that won't ever be truly hers. Also we feel for Falyn, with her terrible relationship with her parents, and we understand why she wants to escape and head for Eakins where she thinks she'll find happiness and contempt. However I think through this heartbreak we do get a little insincerity, in which a lot a criticism has been made about this book as I shall mention but also disregard.

Although the novel can be seen as "same old same old" in regards to its story plot elements, there is one specific element which takes this book down one rating from 5/5 to 4/5. For everyone to know what I am talking about, and I'm trying to avoid spoilers here, I'm hoping everyone will have read Beautiful Redemption and should know the scene in which the second half of Beautiful Sacrifice continues from. It's a little heartbreaking in the sense that Falyn doesn't get the one thing she desires, although a seemingly nobody comes along and dangles it in front of her face, but there is something about McGuire's writing style which hooks you in and you can't help but relate or sympathise with the characters, specifically Falyn.

Although this little moment between them is heartbreaking and lacking in sincerity from its readers, I still found it incredibly sad but loved how they fought through the drama to reach their place of happiness. I am literally obsessed with this series and it is one of my favourite series to pick up and read over and over again.

Again the nerdy book girl is coming out again. Can I just say that if anyone has, the rather tall (for a UK), paperback doesn't it feel really soft? Almost velvety soft. As soon as I got the book in my hands I couldn't help but keep touching it, it is so soft!

Let me know in the comments what you thought of this novel. :)

Enjoy x

My Previous Reviews of McGuire's series:
Beautiful Disaster
Walking Disaster
A Beautiful Wedding 
Beautiful Oblivion
Beautiful Redemption

Author's Website:  Jamie McGuire 
GoodReads:  Beautiful Sacrifice

Available in most book stores and online now.


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