My Life In Books Tag

It's been a while since I posted. So as a nice way to start getting back in to blogging I thought I would start off with a tag....

Find a book for each of your initials:
  A - And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie
  L - Life Moves Pretty Fast - Hadley Freeman
  R - Regeneration - Pat Barker

This is a good start as I love And Then There Were None, Life Moves Pretty Fast is on my TBR, and I love reading historical fiction and Regeneration is one that really moved me.

Count your age along your bookshelf, what is the book:
  The Potion Diaries - Amy Alward

This is also on my TBR...oops.

Pick a book set in your county/country:
  Great Expectations - Charles Dickens

Funnily enough this is one of Dickens' works that I have yet to read and it is set in my home county.

Pick a book that represents a destination you'd love to travel to:
  Amy & Roger's Epic Detour - Morgan Matson

I love the idea of having a huge road trip around America! The concept of this book just filled me with joy as I felt like I was along for the ride with the characters. The visual aids in this book also gives it a big thumbs up for me!

Pick a book that's your favourite colour:
  Nineteen Eight Four - George Orwell

Orange is my favourite colour and this book cover is one of my favourite book designs. The title has been censored which is, obviously, very fitting with the narrative of this book.

Which book do you have the fondest memories of:
  A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens

One of my all time favourite books, which I usually try to re-read around Christmastime!

Which book did you have the most difficulty reading:

I think I wasn't in the right mood to read this book as I just couldn't get into it or align with the plot and characters. The struggle was real with this read.

Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it:
  The Lord of the Rings - J. R.R. Tolkien

  After currently binge-watching season seven of Game of Thrones I'm in the mood for a good fantasy
fiction read and I have had this series on my TBR list for a very long time!

Enjoy x


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