Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

Writers: Lawrence Kasdan, J.J. Abrams, Michael Arndt, George Lucas
Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure
Running Time: 135mins
Cast: Daisy Ridley, John Bodega, Oscar Isaac, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver
Country: UK/USA
Production Companies: Lucasfilm, Bad Robot, Truenorth Productions
Certificate Rating: 12a
My Rating: 4/5
(I promise this will be an attempt at a spoiler free review)
A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far, away the Galactic Empire has been defeated. A new threat rises from the ashes of its predecessor, and an unlikely group form, alongside the Resistance, to try and stop it.
First of all I'll have to admit that after watching the The Force Awakens I was a little disappointed as let's be honest it was very over-hyped through front loading and the push for it to be the most anticipated film of the year, which it was, but apart from that I absolutely loved it!!
Now I know that it has been more than a month since the movie debuted in cinemas across the globe but I think with a film hyped up as much as this is it definitely needed time to reflect. This film has its faults which lots of critics out there have agreed on and mentioned plenty of times, but like I said I won't spoil anything.
This film is exactly what you want to see, and expect, from the Star Wars franchise. It ties in well with what we have learnt from the previous films and it brings new excitements and mystery to the intergalactic world; it's engaging and funny and just all round a brilliant next film to the franchise. It perfectly follows the narratives and conventions that the previous films had set up before. Yet it also has some new things that it brought to the intergalactic world: feisty heroine figure Rey, new friendships (Finn & Poe) and of course a new adorable little droid. Yes I'm talking about BB-8. I want one!!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens brings back the excitement that, I think, everyone got when watching the original trilogy. I felt like a kid watching The Force Awakens for the first time and especially hearing John Williams' musical score throughout the film tons of emotions, and big cheesy grins on my face, came flooding back and made me feel so nostalgic. I also felt more emotionally engaged with the film and found some scenes to be rather tense, possibly because it was the first Star Wars film that I had seen in a cinema (I had seen Episode 3 in the cinema when I was little but don't think I appreciated the franchise as much as I do now).
I really loved how J.J. Abrams kept everything the way it should in regards to filmmaking; he kept as much of it as possible as physical action or props or setting as opposed to many films these days who wholly rely upon CGI. Of course there were CGI used in some places but using physical props and landmarks makes the film so much more real and fascinating.
Overall it was a fab movie and I cannot wait to see it again, it left lots of unanswered questions, setting it up for the next two films set to be produced and released in the near future.
Enjoy x
IMDb: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
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