(A Very Late) New Year's Resolution

Hi All,

How have you been? I know I haven't been around much. I haven't really mentioned it, unless you read my small description about myself but I am a Film and English studies student at University and between doing my degree and everything else I have not had time to keep my blog up to date. Here is my apology: SORRY!

As it is 2015 I thought I should make a New Year's Resolution for myself, and a late on at that, seriously Amber it's nearly February! My New Year's Resolution is: to keep my blog up to date; whether reviewing books, films, tv shows or places I've been and seen. Anything.

I was sitting in a lecture the other day and my lecturer suggested that we write a small review for a film related to our module. This made me realise, almost like an epiphany, that I have totally neglected my own blog and should continue to keep it running. So here is my attempt.
I am trying. 
You'll mainly find that I will be posting film reviews over anything else. As a Film student I do watch rather a lot of films and other media and of course being an English student I am require to read a lot of books too. As well as posting these I might add links to other websites or links that fascinate me. 

If you, yes you reading this, want me to write about anything in particular; whether it is a certain film or book you recommend or something else please let me know by leaving a comment in the box below. 
I don't bite I promise!

Enjoy x


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