August Favourites

Artist: Taylor Swift
So on August 18th Taylor Swift did a live stream through Yahoo and boy did she have some surprises up her sleeve. Not only in her live stream did she reveal her first single off the new album 'Shake It Off' but she also revealed the music video for it. I have to admit when I first heard it I was like ok it's not bad, then I listened to it again, and again... and again... and again and you get the point. It ended up being a rather fabulous catchy song! After talking about the single and asking questions from the audience such as what influenced her with this album she then went on to reveal that a lot of 80s music inspired her for this album. Swift then informed the world that her album would be called '1989'; the year she was born. I have to say I very much look forward to buying the album on 27th October and also hearing what other music comes from the songstress!
Album: My Everything - Ariana Grande

Book: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Ok so I have been quite bad at reviewing books for the month of August. I've been busy but I have read a few books - just not been able to review and upload the posts. But slowly I shall be uploading them. The book I am currently reading is Jane Eyre, yes expect a post on this soon. I am about three quarters of the way through the book and this has to be my favourite out of the books I have read this month. I had never read Jane Eyre before and I'm currently reading it in preparation for University. I am absolutely loving this story although there are a few bits here and there which lag but I shall explain that properly in my post. But the plot twist is amazing! I made sure I had not read much on Jane Eyre so when it came to the twist in the narrative I was totally not expecting it. But now Jane Eyre is one of my favourite classics!

Saving Mr Banks had been a film I heard about last year at the BFI Film Festival but had never got round to seeing it. And seeing as it was about Disney I kind of really wanted to watch it. When it finally came on to Sky Movies I jumped at that chance and recorded it. Then I found some spare time and watched it. To begin with I was like ok, it's a drama/biopic it's not gonna be totally engrossing but as the film went on I began to thoroughly enjoy it. I thought Emma Thompson was fantastic as P.L. Travers and Tom Hanks as Walt Disney was very enjoyable.
I really enjoyed the people who were behind making it into a movie and musical I thought they were hilarious and how they eventually made it into the masterpiece it is.
Disney: Hercules
Gonna shout it from the mountaintops - a star is born!
Hercules is easily one of my many favourite Disney movies. And being a bit of a disney fanatic I always go on Tumblr and Pintrest and searching Disney. On Tumblr I recently found a gif that said Hades was the original sass-meister. When seeing this my love for the film returned so I had to watch it and I totally agree Hades is the sassiest of all the characters. I love how energetic an funny the Gods are but first we got to talk about the Muses "Honey, you mean Hunkules!" I love the little Muse she just makes me laugh when she exclaims this during the Gospel Truth and in Zero to Hero when she sings "and every VASE".
I also love how Disney incorporate other films into their movies. For example in Lion King when Zazu says to Mufasa "he'd make a very handsome throw rug" about Scar and in Hercules Scar is a throw rug in one scene. Any one else notice this?
Favourite Songs:
1. Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
2. Right Here - Jess Glynne
3. Break Free - Ariana Grande ft. Zedd
4. Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
5. Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj
6. Rude - MAGIC!
7. Blame It On Me - George Ezra
8. Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer
9. Crazy Stupid Love - Cheryl
10. Happy Little Pill - Troy Sivan
Other: ALS/MND Ice Bucket Challenge
As most of you know, unless you've been living under a rock, the ALS/MND Ice Bucket Challenge has been dominating every form of media over the summer. The challenge is to nominate a few of your friends and then chuck a bucket of ice cold water (include ice if you have any) over your head. This temporary moment of paralysis as the water hits your body is meant to alert you of how people with ALS/MND live.
ALS/MND stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Motor Neurone Disease which is a progressive disease that attacks the nerves in your brain and spinal cord. Messages gradually stop reaching your muscles and leads to weakness and wasting. This disease can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe and at later stages can lead to complete paralysis. At the moment there is no cure.
Raising awareness for this charity, as well as donating when you participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge (text ICED55 to 70070) helps this charity to find a cure with the money donated as well as having the extra money to care for its patients.
If you want more information on this disease visit:
You can also find the MND Association on Twitter: @mndassoc
and YouTube:
I participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge click here to see me do it:
Enjoy x
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