July Favourites

Artist: Neon Jungle
Neon Jungle have been one of these girl bands who have been under the radar for a while. This British girl group formed in 2013 yet no one had really heard of them till their release of 'Brave Heart'. Then they released 'Welcome to The Jungle' (also the title of their album) and most recently 'Louder' a pop ballad that has shown that they are not just a dance floor jam group. You should also check out their underdog song which was released quite a while ago but people tend to forget which is 'Trouble'; a cheeky upbeat song which does make you feel like "here comes trouble".
Album: 5 Seconds of Summer
Ok so their album came out at the beginning of the month (I think) and I bought it the day it came out. WOW! I love their music. If you are a fan of previous bands like All Time Low (who helped to co-write with 5SOS' album) and Good Charlotte (who also co-wrote) then you will love 5SOS's album with its pop, indie, rock vibes. But that's not all they have the awesome song 'Amnesia' which seems more ballad than indie with its soothing guitar intro and their voices. If you haven't heard of them already - where have you been! Check them out!! If you love them check some of their previous songs out too on YouTube or iTunes!
Book: My Life Next Door - Huntley Fitzpatrick
I absolutely loved this book in which it is now one of my favourites. Gah! The feels! Huntley Fitzpatrick has an amazing way of writing and there is an unexpected plot twist in the novel. A really good chick-lit contemporary novel. I won't say too much as I have done a review on this book here,
Films: From Up on Poppy Hill

Favourite Songs:
1. Neon Jungle - Louder
2. 5 Seconds of Summer - Amnesia
3. Charli XCX - Boom Clap
4. Ellie Goulding - Goodness Gracious
5. Ella Henderson - Ghosts
6. Cheryl Cole - Crazy Stupid Love
7. Kiesza - Hideaway
8. George Ezra - Budapest
9. Ed Sheeran - I See Fire
10. Neon Jungle - Trouble
TV Series: Primeval
I have recently been re-watching the UK series of Primeval and my love for the series has returned. I have been re-watching the series on Netflix where all the series (1-5) are on their at present. As a child I used to be obsessed with dinosaurs (I still am) and I used to love watching Walking With Dinosaurs in which the creators of W.W.D teamed up with Primeval to help create realistic creations of these creatures that appear in every episode. If you are fascinated by long extinct creatures, and some not extinct creatures like the Dodo, then you should watch this series. Yes some people do criticise it but it's not a drama, its a fun, slightly comical but more action TV series. The show surrounds a group of misfits scientists who discover that creatures from the jurassic period and beyond are appearing in modern day and it's their job to find out how to get them back. Of course there are a few troubles along the way. I will be doing a review on the complete series so keep your eyes out soon!!
Other: Models Own Nail Varnish
So I want to mention two nail varnishes from Models Own that I have been loving this month. But I think before I get into them I could tell you a quick story as to why I bought these. So I was with my friends shopping and one of my friends wanted to buy a Models Own nail varnish. We got to the stall which sells them and the lady working informed us that they had an offer on: 6 nail varnishes for £20. That seemed like a good deal as the nail varnishes usually range at £5 each so essentially you get two free and save £10! Originally I didn't want to buy any and my friend only wanted one in particular. Then the lady was like we are also giving away free Models Own eye liner pencils with every purchase. So we thought why not and we grouped together and bought three nail varnishes each.

Southern Lights: This colour I literally fell in love with when I picked it up! I don't usually go for glitters as I hate the pain of trying to take them off and it takes forever to scrub all of the glitter off! This nail varnish though, I picked it up and immediately drawn to it like a moth to bright light! It is such a pretty colour. It is predominantly purple but with silver and rainbow glittered flecks in it. Sounds crazy but the image to the right was the closest I could get to showing you the amazing colours in the varnish. If it isn't on my nails (which is when I'm wearing Beach Party) then I usually stare at in the light so I can see all of the flecks. Images really do not do it justice. If you have a Models Own counter near you: go and check out that nail varnish!
If you aren't into purples and more pinks they had a Pink version called Northern Lights which has gold flecks!!
A bit of a rambled favourites yes!
Enjoy x
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