Supernatural Season 1

Creator: Eric Kripke
Cast: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Certificate Rating: 15
Rating: 5/5
"Driver's rules Sammy: Driver picks the music, Shotgun shuts his cake hole"
Supernatural follows the lives of two brothers: Sam and Dean Winchester as they journey across America in search of their father battling demons and every other supernatural creature along the way.
I first started to truly watch Supernatural from Season 2. One of my friends first made me watch it and the love truly began there.
I have just started to watch Supernatural from the very beginning again (I have watched it over and over) and this time I thought I would post on my blog what I love about each season and why. I'm not going to write a lot about the series because if you have seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about, and if you haven't. Where have you been? Go check it out!
The series is witty, emotional as well as involving bad ass fighting and is a little scary/jumpy at times. It's a whirlwind of a ride that I'm very happy to have come across. So quotable too!
Some of my favourite quotes from Season 1 are listed down below.
Just to clarify, I do not own any rights and if I have made a mistake in my crazy love for the programme then sorry. I shall be doing this for all of the seasons. Feel free to leave comments, tell me what your favourite episodes are and why if you share the same love for Supernatural as I do!
Enjoy x
Links to the Show:
IMDb: Supernatural
Top 3 Favourite Episodes:
1. Phantom Traveller Of all things for Dean Winchester to be afraid of, it's flying. This episode cracks me up as you truly get to see the characters for who they are.
2. Skin This has got to be another funny episode full of memorable quotes and Dean Winchester does not like anyone posing as him and driving in his car.
3. Home Who doesn't want an episode where they go back to the place where it all began? Creepy music monkeys, plumbers in danger, something in her closet. Sounds like they need the Winchesters and help from psychic Missouri.
Top 3 Creepiest Episodes:
1. Dead In The Water Dead in the Water is not necessarily a scary episode but who isn't creeped out by a creepy voice saying "Come Play With Me". Or the fact that when you see the ghost of the little boy he looks incredibly creepy!!
2. Bloody Mary The classic myth that everyone is always curious about. I remember the very first time I watched this episode I was sitting next to a mirrored wardrobe and I was even thinking 'don't think about it', I was being silly of course. Still whenever I watch this episode I feel like I can't look at a mirror for a couple of hours afterwards.
3. Asylum This episode is funny yet creepy. Creepy ghosts, funny because the girl is dominant over her boyfriend who brought her in there. But come on the ghosts are totally freaky even though they are supposedly harmless (even though they were involved in an uprising). Creepy.
Favourite Quotes from the Season:
"No chick flick moments" - Pilot
"Misdemeanour trouble or squeal like a pig trouble?" - Pilot
"That is not fear. That is precaution" - Phantom Traveller
"I look like one of the Blues Brothers." "No you don't, you look like a 7th Grader at his first dance" - Phantom Traveller
"You humming Metallica?" "Calms me down" - Phantom Traveller
"Dude, stow the touchy feely self help yoga crap, it's not helping" - Phantom Traveller
"How many chances am I going to have to see my own funeral?" - Skin
"And you were one goofy looking kid too" (Missouri to Dean) - Home
"Boy you put your foot on my coffee table I'm a whack you with a spoon" - Home
"I see dead people Hayley Joel" - Asylum
"Hey, who's the hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love-Hewitt or you?" - Asylum
"Hope your apple pie is friggin' WORTH IT!" - Scarecrow
"Hold me Sam that was beautiful" - Scarecrow
"I want this jaw head extra friggin' crispy" - Faith
"That fabric softener teddy bear, oh I'm gonna hunt that b*tch down" - Faith
"By old friend you mean?" "Friend that's not new" - Route 666
"Oh Eat Me! Oh wait no, no you actually might" - The Benders
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