
Hi to who ever is reading this (waves)

Yes I'm waving at you from across the internet universe directly to you reading this.
I have just decided to create a blog as I love reading, watching/analysing movies, finding beautiful pieces of art and graphics and talking about life in general. So here is where I shall express my views and opinions on the world.

On my blog you shall find my views and opinions on everyday things, I shall try to update this as much as I can, I promise. (Sticks three fingers up like a Girl Guide).

So here we go. Welcome to my page. If you're looking for something other then mentions of books, films, art and life then close the window down and go somewhere else as you've come to the wrong place... I'm only joking! Anyone and Everyone is welcome. I'm not here to judge :)

So with that I better stop rambling and get on with creating a wonderful blog for whoever stumbles across it. For all I know I could just be talking to myself on this blog, which for me is not that much different to normal, average days. I talk to myself. It is healthy :p

Without any more procrastination and rambling on, like I have just done, welcome and I hope you enjoy.

Dream Well

Amber x


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