
Showing posts from April, 2020

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Rating: 5/5 I have been playing this game for just over two weeks now and it's safe to say that I am obsessed with it. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the latest release in the series and is available only on Nintendo Switch. As a huge fan of Nintendo and Animal Crossing, having played Animal Crossing: Wild World on the Nintendo DS for years, I finally caved and purchased the game and the Switch and it's probably one of the best things I have done this year.

Ways To Be Productive During Self Isolation

I don't want to mention the pandemic that the world is seeing right now too much on my blog but it is a serious matter. With that being said I hope each individual is using best practice for good health and hygiene and most importantly stay safe and at home where possible. A lot of my friends have been saying that during isolation they have been feeling demotivated and miserable at the fact that they can't get out very often and have to stay indoors. With that being said it is very easy to fall into this routine of boredom and lacking the motivation to do anything really, so I have come up with simple suggestions that you could do a little or a lot of each day to make you feel accomplished or even motivated. These really are easy steps to take and remember that this time isn't about how you use it, it's about protecting everyone so it's ok to do nothing too.

Series Review: House of Night by Kristen and P.C. Cast

Released: 2007 Publishers: Atom (UK) Format: Paperback Genre: YA, Vampyre, Romance Rating: 4/5