
Showing posts from January, 2016

New Year, New Blog: Bring On 2016

Hi Guys, I realised that I have been very incognito this year and to that I am sorry! I mean 5 posts in the year of 2015 compared to 46 of 2013. I need to step up my game and get back into the swing of things... But now that 2016 is here, and a promise of a few New Year's Resolution's, I hope to get back into a better, well rehearsed routine called life. And so with that I promise to upload at least one blog post a month (that's a realistic goal I hope, she says crossing her fingers). Whether that be a film review, book review, food recipes (something new I plan to try out), or a review of somewhere I have been/experienced, i.e. an experience that has become a  memory or somewhere I would recommend to those adventurous folk out there. As well as maybe updating my blog and making it better. I follow the motto that if you don't like something change it, so this is what I plan to do. Of course I will still ramble, much like I'm doing here. (Really Amber stop...